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  • Becky Jones

Toddler 1 - June Newsletter

Another year of growth and change has brought much joy to the toddler house.

The toddlers can now climb every structure, ride every trike and run after every ball.

They can work together in cooperative play, and engage in conversations at the lunch table.

As their practical life and large motor skills have increased, the toddlers have experienced great satisfaction in caring for the classroom they have come to love. They have shown a growing sense of responsibility, independence and order: scrubbing tables, sweeping floors, completing a work cycle and caring for the classroom pet. They love to join in playground clean up, parking the bikes, gathering balls into baskets, tossing on logs to secure the sandbox cover. Summer is around the corner and with it the warm days that will place the toddlers literally in their element: water! We look forward to water tables, tire scrubbing, sand castles and sprinkler days. We hope to plant some flowers for watering and find plenty of opportunities for our favorite activity: looking for worms, ants, and if we’re lucky, the occasional little green frog or toad.

We wish the best to our dear friend who will be moving away in a few short days. We will miss her singing, dancing and creative block building skills. Have some fun adventures and come visit us again.

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